You can always move one card, so just add the number of those other open spots to see how many cards you can move in a stack at one time. Try to have a plan for all the cards you enter into these freecells though, because once they are there, they are hard to get out! You may only move a stack of cards with the correct number of cards or less - this number is determined by how many open free cells and open tableaux you have in the game. Use the upper open cells to help you move the cards around within the game. When moving cards around in the columns, cards must be moved in order from highest (king) to lowest (ace), alternating colors. Arrange the cards inside the game to ultimately move them all into the home cells by suit. Sit back and enjoy this brand new Freecell site which offers SEVEN freecell variations, large cards, beautiful graphics, and precise gameplay.įreecell is a popular game playable by gamers of all ages. 247 Freecell is just one in a line of popular card games from 247 Games - who are striving to bring you the best in card game play in all the web. 247 Freecell is your one stop hub for the best in Freecell gaming.